Apacer’s Sidefill technology strengthens the connections between solder joints and their board, making them more robust and vibration-resistant. It also allows for heat dissipation to offset thermal damage.






As PCBs become smaller, so too do their solder joints. Unfortunately, this puts the joints under greater vibrational and thermal stress. To counteract this phenomenon, Apacer offers Sidefill technology. This is a cost-effective solution to these issues, as Sidefill strengthens the connections between the solder joints and their board, making them more robust as well as more vibration-resistant. It also allows for heat dissipation to offset thermal damage. The designer of any module destined to work in harsh environments should consider Sidefill as an option.

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Sidefill Flow


Epoxy is usually used as the Sidefill. It is dispensed along the edges of the chip. The substrate is then dried by UV light to increase the mechanical strength of the solder joints and reinforce the product’s shock resistance.





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Apacer provides Sidefill technology to increase product reliability and resistance to various thermal and mechanical shocks, ensuring that products continue to operate normally in high vibration and under extreme environmental changes. It’s an ideal solution for industrial equipment, such as that used in defense technology, vehicles, outdoor applications and rugged computers