Apacer Ethical Management Policies

Implement ethical management, prohibit unjust enrichment, openness and transparent information, respect intellectual property rights, fair trade competition, and identity confidentiality and anti-retaliation




Integrity Management and Anti-Corruption Management

Apacer takes compliance with laws and regulations as the basic premise of ethical management, and its global operation sites all comply with the laws and regulations of the region. To ensure the compliance with laws and regulations and the implementation of interest avoidance, the Board of Directors has formulated the ethical management policies, the "Ethical Management Code", the "Ethical Management Procedures and Conduct Guidelines," and other related approaches, strictly requiring employees to avoid personal interest conflicts or possible involvement in the interests conflict of the whole company, with the operation status of the ethical management being reported to the Board of Directors annually. Meanwhile, the company appointed the Human Resources and Administration Dept. to concurrently serve as the responsible unit for ethical management, and properly evaluate the effectiveness and reasonableness of the compliance with the internal control system.
To actively prevent the dishonest behavior of enterprise operations, a reporting system has been established in Apacer for reporting the violations of the company's finance, regulations, policies, moral standards, etc., as well as any form of fraud.


 Ethical Management Outcome


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Reporting System

Apacer puts heavy emphasis on the prevention of any events of corruption, fraud, and violation of the company's ethical management. For this reason, the rules and procedures of the "Reporting System" have been formulated. When suspicious behaviors are found, any improper practices can be reported through the exclusive channels, and will be processed by the designated personnel for investigation and resolution.
The company will ensure the informant's identity and reported contents to remain confidential, and protect the whistleblower and employees involved in the investigation from retaliation or unfair treatment. The contact personnel for reports and complaints is the "Reporting Committee". During 2022, the disclosure period of this report, no related events occurred.




Contact Information for Reporting Violations of Professional Ethics

Reporting Contact Window

  • (02) 2267-8000 #5980 MS. Hsu


Reporting e-mail

  • whistleblower@apacer.com


Reporting Address

  • No. 32, Zhongcheng Rd., Tucheng Dist., New Taipei City
    236, to the Reporting Committee