Apacer's DataDefender technology is designed to protect SSDs from data loss or corruption in the event of a sudden power outage. During operation, if the host unexpectedly loses power, an unprotected SSD may lose user data or critical information from the logical-to-physical address mapping table stored in the volatile memory cache. This could result in the SSD becoming unrecognizable to the host during the next boot. DataDefender addresses this by detecting a sudden drop in voltage and immediately preventing the host from sending additional data. It then swiftly backs up essential data from the cache to non-volatile NAND Flash memory, ensuring that no data is lost before the SSD powers down.




DataDefender™ – Power Loss Data Protection 


Since SSDs are often deployed in demanding environments, power disruptions may occur unexpectedly and potentially cause catastrophic damage to the data in the drive. 

To ensure data integrity and the stability of data transmission in the event of a power outage, Apacer developed the DataDefender™ technology and its multidimensional protection approach.

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Combines both firmware and hardware mechanisms to ensure data integrity


When an unexpected power failure occurs, the firmware protection mechanism of DataDefender™ technology is duly activated and cuts off its data transmission from the host. Once the power supply is resumed, the protection mechanism will rebuild the mapping table to ensure the integrity of the firmware as well as the data already written into the NAND flash media.

In addition to the firmware protection mechanism, to further safeguard the in-process data, Apacer’s CorePower circuit and tantalum capacitors provide a backup power source. This hardware approach can ensure data transmitted from the RAM cache to the flash storage remains uninterrupted in the event of a sudden power outage.